Looking for Indestructible Dog Beds? Here are Four Styles

Posted on April 18, 2019 by paigepesko

Your dog is active every day: playing, running, chewing, chasing, barking, looking fantastic, and most of all, protecting you with vigilance. So when it comes time to rest up after a long day filled with all that activity, you want to be sure that your best friend has a comfortable, tranquil bed. But some dogs love to chew, and they make quick work of their bedding. Here are four types of indestructible dog kennel beds so you can both get a good night’s sleep.

1. Indestructible Crate Beds

Finding tough dog crate beds may not be as difficult as you would first think it might be. Many dog owners find that their dogs chew and are very aggressive when it comes to where they sleep. An indestructible dog kennel bed will be of great benefit for both the dog and for you, the owner as well. Indestructible dog kennel beds are crafted for durability, and with chew proof crate pads, they are also cozy and comfy.

2. Orthopedic Crate and Pad

The orthopedic crate and pad bed arrangement is ideal for dogs who are suffering from any kind of discomfort of osteo-related disease, including arthritis. It has been reported that some form of arthritis affects one out of every four dogs in the United States. So this type of chew proof orthopedic dog bed and orthopedic kennel pad offers real relief and comfort to your pet.

3. Raised Beds

Raised beds for dogs provide additional ventilation and air circulation, because the bed is actually elevated off the floor. This allows the dog to cool off underneath as well as on top. This is great for very warm rooms and climates, as it allows the dog to cool off quicker. It also avoids turning over and restlessness due to being overheated. Many raised beds in this style are also chew proof, providing an additional source of indestructible dog kennel beds.

4. Bolster Beds

Offering memory foam comfort and maximum orthopedic support, bolster beds provide a soft and comfy place for your dog to rest. They will enjoy getting in and snuggling comfortably, and you will be happy knowing that they are getting the support that they need. This is particularly true if your dog suffers from any sort of aches or pains, as is the case with many dogs. They’re comfortable, easy to clean, and made in a chew proof design.

As you can see from just these four examples, there is a wide variety of indestructible dog kennel beds for you to choose from. Your dog will get a good, solid night’s sleep whether it is an orthopedic, bolster, raised, or crate style bed. The main thing is that your furry friend gets enough rest…and that you get a good night’s sleep, too!