How Crate Training Can Teach Your Puppy To Be More Independent
Posted on July 31, 2019 by paigepesko
From crate training to getting them to sleep in their own bed, training your new puppy is a beautiful experience—albeit a challenging one.
There are many steps involved in teaching your new pal the manners they need. But starting with the essentials—crate training—can set you and your puppy up for lifelong success. If the ultimate goal is to ease their anxiety and help your pet get comfortably accustomed to their own dog bed, continue reading.
The Pros of Crate Training Your Puppy
If you’re still on the fence when it comes to crate training, here are a few benefits that will help you decide whether this style of dog training will suit the both of you.
Potty training will come easier
Crate training can help potty train your puppy faster, cutting down on stains and messes in your home. Instinctually, dogs don’t enjoy going to the bathroom where they eat and sleep. They will learn to wait for you to take them outside, furthering the idea that they can only do their business in this designated area.
The crate can be a safe space for them while you’re not around.
Don’t think of the crate as a small and caged-in prison. When you help create a safe and comfortable space, they’ll associate it as their personalized space in your house. Just like how we often find our own bedrooms comfortable, your dog will also make this connection. Having their own safe space in your home can prevent severe separation anxiety down the line.
Crate training keeps your puppy safe
Crate training can also help to ease your stress. Let’s face it. You can’t be supervising your new pal every hour on the hour. School, work, and other obligations in your daily life get in the way, even though you just want to hang out with your puppy.
Puppies always find a way to poke their little noses where they don’t belong.
They can chew through wires, tear up your new pair of shoes, or find something in the garbage that they should not be eating.
So, to prioritize your sanity and their safety above everything else, consider giving crate training a try before dog beds.
What To Avoid When Crate Training
You want to avoid leaving your pet in the crate for too long. Puppies have tiny bladders and need constant attention. You can do more damage than good if you’re not letting them out every couple of hours. As they grow, they’ll be able to stay in the crate for extended periods, but during those initial stages, it’s important to remember how long they’ve been alone.
Also, accidents will happen. Keep in mind. It’s not their fault. They’re still learning! There are many ways to discipline your puppy after an accident that does not involve screaming or rubbing their nose in their mess.
Lastly, you want to avoid your pet’s discomfort. Line the crate with a chew proof kennel mat. You’ll find a tough dog crate bed useful, especially when they’re teething.
Specialty Dog Beds: The next step
Crate training should last about one year or so. When you feel comfortable getting rid of the kennel and the chew proof crate bed you bought with it, it’s time to sort through dog beds until you find the perfect one to place in your room.
Dog beds come in different varieties. If your dog is a chewer, you’re in luck. There are indestructible beds you can buy. If your dog is a breed that is prone to hip dysplasia or arthritis, orthopedic dog bed can help soothe their aches and pains.
Every pet owner want the best for their best friend. Since dogs sleep around fourteen hours a day, ensure that they are comfortable—so they can be free to dream about their favorite things—walks, treats, and of course, you!